PT Sedici Surya Energi

General Marine Survey

Check for more detailed services we can provide here. We have numerous experience as marine surveyors and consultants.

On / Off Hire Survey

An on/off hire survey is carried out when a vessel is delivered to the Charterer or re-delivered to her Owner. The survey can be carried out on behalf of Owners, Disponent Owners, Sub Charterers, or for mutual interest. Sedici surveyors will inspect the Vessel’s certificates and all compartments and parts of the vessel to be used by the Charterers. This may comprise, for example, the condition of holds, hatches, main deck, and loading gear. If a survey concerns a vessel or a ferry, the inspection will also include the accommodation part(s) in use by the Charterer.

Bunker Quantity Survey

A bunker quantity survey involves an approved surveyor taking measurements on board the delivery barge or at the shore tank and on the receiving vessel before and after transfer of oil takes places. The surveyor’s measurements are used to determine the quantity of oil delivered. The quantity delivered from the barge/shore tank and received by the vessel should be the same. If there is any discrepancy, this can be highlighted and investigated at the time so that a claim can be made after the event.

Condition Survey

Sedici is able to accept any instruction to determine the condition of any type of vessel worldwide. Our surveyors are able to offer entry and condition surveys for P&I and H&M insurance, surveys for company compliance, sale and purchase surveys, condition surveys for valuation, cargo hold cleanliness inspection, ultrasonic hatch cover testing, delivery / redelivery surveys, engine room and office management and condition surveys.

Stowage and Lashing Survey

This survey is done to ensure if the cargo stowage, lashing, and securing are done according to IMO and administration requirements. Our highly experienced surveyors have various practices and experiences for different type of cargoes.

Loading and Unloading Supervision

Our Surveyors can be in full time attendance at every operational stage to provide loading supervision and discharge supervision, ensuring you receive a constant and direct flow of information.

Dry Bulk

Bulk carriers, or bulkers, are ships designed primarily for the transportation of solid bulk cargoes. These cargoes are generally uniform in composition and are loaded directly into the cargo space without any intermediate form of containment. Sedici can conduct ship inspections, risk assessments, investigations into the nature, extent and cause of damage, ultrasonic hatch cover testing, sampling and testing, also provide advice on dry bulk transport and storage requirements and the liquefaction of cargoes.

Hull and Machinery

Sedici has been active in the H&M industry since its early days of existence back in the 1920’s with a significant track record for surveys in all kinds of damage, either hull or machinery related, on board deep sea vessels, floating installations, inland navigation vessels etc.

Fuel And Consumption

With increasing bunker prices, we have witnessed the number of claims, with respect to quality. Sedici has specialist knowledge in the field of claims and disputes related to the quality as well as the quantity of marine fuels and can provide a wide variety of services to the industry from testing to acting as an expert witness or arbitrator. Sedici also regularly carries out performance checks to verify the performance of a vessel against charter party agreements.

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